Big Samba Drumming Group


Martineau Memorial Hall, 21 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BN

Rehearsal day & time

Saturday (every 3 weeks). 2-4pm


  • Saturday 28 Sep 2024
  • Saturday 19 Oct 2024
  • Saturday 9 Nov 2024
  • Saturday 30 Nov 2024
  • Saturday 21 Dec 2024
  • Saturday 11 Jan 2025
  • Saturday 1 Feb 2025
  • Saturday 1 Mar 2025
  • Saturday 22 Mar 2025

Please ensure your child/children has a snack and a water bottle.

Playing level

Ages 10+.

No experience is necessary, just come and have a go!


£2 per session, per child

Coaching staff

The group is run by experienced Samba teachers and group leaders.

How to join

To join, fill out the registration form on the NORCA website:

Or email to be sent the registration form.

Set up with funding from the Arts Council’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund (Norfolk Community Foundation) and funded by Norwich City Council.

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