Event Details

This event finished on 15 October 2021

We are inviting pupils from your school to come to Norwich Cathedral and SING TO DIPPY this October!

Please note all dates for this event are now fully subscribed.

Dippy, the Natural History Museum’s iconic Diplodocus cast, will be taking up residence in Norwich Cathedral’s Nave from July until Saturday 30 October 2021. Norwich Cathedral is the eighth and final stop for the ‘Dippy on Tour’ exhibition that aims to inspire people of all ages to engage more with nature and explore the natural world on their doorsteps.

In partnership with the Norfolk Music Hub, Norwich Cathedral have commissioned a new piece of music – ‘Creation Song’ – to celebrate Dippy’s visit to Norwich. Composed by leading British choral composer Bob Chilcott, the piece has been written for a choir of Primary School children to perform alongside Norwich Cathedral Choir, accompanied by the mighty Cathedral organ.

We are inviting all children in Key Stage 2 to participate in these concerts, which will include other fun children’s songs based on the themes associated with the visit of Dippy the Dinosaur – Creation, the environment, sustainability and care for our planet. The finale of each concert will be the première performances of ‘Creation Song’. All of this will take place, of course, with the children sat around Dippy, the huge Diplodocus skeleton, that will fill the Nave of Norwich Cathedral!

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