James Raywood, a pale skinned man with stubble, shaved head and glasses, conducts an orchestra of young people

Event Details

In partnership with Orchestras LiveBBC Concert Orchestra and James Redwood, Norfolk Music Hub are able to offer an exciting collaborative project to support composition work in secondary settings.

Building on the initial Share Sound project in 2020-21 and working alongside the BBC Concert Orchestra with their 3 year residency in Great Yarmouth, this new project will support music creativity in Norfolk schools through a series of workshops and CPD led by James Redwood, in which an inclusive ensemble formed from young musicians (Year 10), music teachers from schools, Music Service instrumental tutors and players from the BBC Concert Orchestra will compose and perform music together.

Beginning and ending with an intensive period of workshops, the project will span several months in which students, teachers and tutors will continue the composition work in their own schools, supported by periodic CPD sessions led by James.

The hybrid online / in-person project will culminate with a live performance by the entire ensemble of the new collaborative piece that has been created. A video learning resource will form part of the legacy to help support continued creative musical work in the schools. All instrumentalists studying in year 10 are welcome to take part in this project.

23rd March 2023 – Drill Hall Great Yarmouth

  • 1 x half-day in-person session when the three area groups and the professional musicians join together to form a large inclusive ensemble, combining the different musical elements to form the entire Rondo piece. This is rehearsed in readiness for performance.
  • 1 x half-day in-person final performance by the inclusive ensemble at a venue in Great Yarmouth, possibly held during a wider Norfolk Music Hub event. In addition to the premiere of the new piece, the BBC CO musicians might perform other existing repertoire during the event.

Share Sound II Performance Tickets

We would like to invite you to a special concert at The Drill House, Great Yarmouth from 7.00pm – 8.00pm on Thursday 23 March.

Register for tickets here