In partnership with Music Worldwide and Pedro Espi-Sanchis we are thrilled to offer an online, interactive assembly led by Pedro!
- Date: Thursday 23rd February 2023
- Time: 2.00 – 2.45pm
- What online platform will be used for this assembly? Teams (you will be sent a link 24 hours before the assembly)
- Who is this assembly suitable for? This assembly is appropriate for key stage 2 students
- How long is the online assembly? The online assembly will last approximately 35 minutes
What will be the content of the assembly?
The online assembly will be led by Pedro Espi-Sanchis. Pedro will:
- Introduce himself to students.
- Introduce how he plays a flute from Kelp
- Following this he would tell the beginning of the story which introduces the musical bow
- Demonstrate to children how they can replicate making simple musical instruments the techniques used to make the sounds.