In partnership with Veronica Youdell (Founder of Kids Yoga Classes Corporate Yoga Lessons School Yoga Rap Music Lessons London) we are delighted to offer an online, interactive workshop!
- Date: Thursday 4th May 2023
- Time: 2pm
- What online platform will be used for this assembly? Teams (you will be sent a link 24 hours before the assembly)
- Who is this assembly suitable for? This assembly is appropriate for Key Stage 2 students
- How long is the online assembly? The online assembly will last approximately 35 minutes
What will be the content of the assembly?
The online assembly will be led by Veronica Youdell. Veronica will:
- Introduce herself to students.
- Introduce Rap and Yoga history and talk about the benefits of doing these practices
- Give a Rap Demo and Yoga Demo
- Teach rap warm ups and affirmation that lead to doing some yoga and rap to music.
Data protection
The data you provide on this form will be used by data processors contracted by Norfolk County Council and stored within internal servers in the UK. If the media includes images of a child or young person it will not be used two years after the date the image was taken. Data requests should be referred in the first instance to Alison Brain who can be contacted at