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Event Details

Calling all gifted and talented musicians! Aldeburgh Young Musicians (Snape Maltings) are looking for talented musicians to take part in a creative workshop on Thursday 25th January 2018 at Norwich School. The day is a free opportunity to develop your musical communication and creativity. During this time you will experience what the AYM project offers to some of the most gifted and talented students in the East Anglian region.

Places for the workshop are extremely limited and will be offered based on a spread of age, experience and instrumentation. We are looking for 10 Year 5-6 students, 15 Year 7-9 students & a further 5 exceptional students from either younger or older age categories (ie Year 3-4 or Year 10-11).

Register online

This registration form will close at midday on 18th January and you will be notified shortly after whether your application for the workshop has been successful.