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Event Details

Effectively deliver this KS4 course which is perfect for students who enjoy practical music making.

Musical Futures is working in partnership with Norfolk Music Hub to offer FREE Musical Futures professional development training to all teachers and trainee teachers teaching in Academies and maintained schools within Norfolk.

Teachers in Norfolk schools or independent schools are welcome to attend – usual ticket prices will apply.

The RSL Level 2 Certificates in performance, technology and composition provide an ideal programme of study for students at key stage four who have thrived through the Musical Futures practical approaches to learning at key stage three. Now approved by the DfE for inclusion in 2019 league tables, this course will ensure that delegates understand the specification, assessment criteria and opportunities for practical, real-world student focused learning offered by the qualification.  We will also look at how Musical Futures resources can be used to enhance learning and make the course accessible for all students.

Examples of best practice will be shared including sample student work (video recordings & written activities that have been successfully moderated) along with model assignment briefs and assessment/verification protocols.

Click here to book your place for 15 June 2018