Suitable for: Primary/ Complex Needs We need to place music at the heart of the learning process to foster and encourage young musicians. In this session, we’ll consider how musical teaching

Have you got a great idea, but are stuck with how to bring it to life? Has someone come to you with an ‘If only we had the resources….’ type

Suitable for: Primary / Complex Needs Suitable for music leaders in schools who want to feel confident in their subject and their role as subject leaders. We’ll ask questions and explore

Suitable for: Primary / Complex Needs settings Led by Rebecca Beavis This training is for anyone who has been tasked with music subject leadership at any stage in their career and

This session will explore musical opportunities for KS3 students that can be compiled into bespoke schemes. We’ll look at all the resources available alongside stand-alone units to engage the students

Suitable for: Secondary settings  Secondary Network Meetings bring together Norfolk teachers to support each other and share practice. Meetings are led by experienced consultants, PD leaders or experienced teachers, and

This is a chance for collaboration with your peers so you can share information and develop as a subject leader. The facilitated meetings will support you in assessing how well