Event Details

King’s Lynn Festival presents Fontanella Recorder Quintet performance for schools.

On Friday 26 April there will be an hour long interactive performance suitable for Key Stage 2 children, as part of King’s Lynn Festival’s EXTRA weekend of Elizabethan inspired performances. This children’s concert is a celebration of the recorder family in all its shapes and sizes proving just how versatile and historic an instrument the recorder is. Tying in perfectly with the wider curriculum, this informal fun performance features audience participation, historical information about the period and high quality musicianship.

The children may even recognise the performers from their appearance on ZingZillas!

Fontanella are a UK-based recorder quintet specialising in historical performance, new music and education projects. For information on the group see www.fontanella.co.uk

Teacher feedback:
‘It was a really well conceived piece, managing the technical limitations of some players in a musical and imaginative way’
‘Brilliant idea! It was good that children of different abilities were involved. They enjoyed playing with such a large number of people, listening to Fontanella, and working with lots of different recorders’

Tickets cost £2 per child (teachers free)
For tickets call the Festival Office | 01553 767557 or email info@kingslynnfestival.org.uk