- Planning good quality music lessons which engage, inspire develop.
- Planning music lessons which enrich and develop learning across the wider curriculum.
- Planning whole class music lessons, which ensure differentiation.
- Planning good quality music, engaging and fun lessons as a non-specialist.
- How do we assess progress and what evidence should we be looking for and evidencing?
A good quality music education is inclusive; it should give our children an opportunity to learn the fundamentals of music as part of a musical journey, which allows them to develop an understanding of their own musical preferences. It should allow them to make a connection between the development of music and the changes in society whilst also giving them time to build skills in listening, oracy, analysis and teamwork.
How do we begin to plan a good quality, inspiring music lesson which meets the developmental needs of a whole class? How can we confidently and successfully embed music into our curriculums, so that our children’s knowledge is being built and enhanced through this creative Art?
What does a good example of a terms music work look like and how can we assess progress and evidence learning even as a non – specialist?
Appropriate for all class and instrumental teachers, TA’s, and school leaders. If you are looking for a way to engage and excite your learners. Join Rebecca Beavis Arts Director at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy for this informative session on Planning and Assessment. The session is designed to give you lots of practical ways to develop your confidence to know how to ensure, monitor, evidence and recognise progress within your music lessons.
Rebecca Beavis
Rebecca is currently Arts Director at Bourne Westfield Primary Academy in Lincolnshire, she has been responsible for rewriting and implementing a revised Arts Curriculum which builds learning across the curriculum. She teaches whole school music and leads an Arts Team who are responsible for the implementation and monitoring of progress across all of the Arts.
Rebecca has led choirs and musical groups to success at National competitions with children representing the very best of Lincolnshire music at the ‘Lincolnshire Proms’. Her department was shortlisted for ‘Best school music department’ as part of the Music and Drama Education Awards 2021. She runs an extensive range of musical opportunities in school, including a staff choir, samba band, recorder groups, rock bands a toddler music group. She also manages a large team of peripatetic teachers.
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