Event Details

This event finished on 15 July 2023

A weekly, drumming workshop for young people, based on Brazilian rhythms and percussion instruments.

  • Day: Saturdays
  • Time: 2 to 3.30pm
  • Dates: Starts Sat 17 September.
  • Venue: Martineau Memorial Hall, 21 Colegate, Norwich NR3 1BN
  • Cost: £2 per person per week
  • Age: 10 +

The group is run by Duda Moleque, Jake Hishon and Anna Patteson, experienced Samba teachers and group leaders.

All instruments provided.

No experience necessary, just come and have a go – fill out the registration form, via the bottom below or just turn up.

The group meets weekly throughout the year (during school terms) and there will be opportunities to take part in performances and events.

​The new bloco was created thanks to funding awarded from the Arts Council’s Let’s Create Jubilee Fund by the Norfolk Community Foundation. The project also created a new piece for the band and a brass section, which can be heard through the player below.

Register here