About Music in Norwich and Norfolk
This booklet is the result of a collaboration between a number of organisations who promote performance and classical, jazz and world music. It was started in 2003 by the Music in Norwich group as a way to cross-market and build audiences for classical music, and to co-programme and avoid clashes where possible.
The aim is to gather music listings in one place so that they are easy to find and to offer an overview of performances throughout the year. The Music in Norwich group is a self-supporting partnership of organisations that are active and promoting music in Norwich & the surrounding county of Norfolk and who meet twice a year.
Where to find Art & Music in Norwich booklets
You can now order both booklets by post – visit the website, pay the postage and get your very own copy conveniently delivered to your door.
Go to www.artinnorwich.org.uk/AiNbypost or email info@theshiftnorwich.org.uk find out how to get your copy for the price of a stamp.
Music in Norwich is produced by Culture Shift Norwich as a companion to Art in Norwich, a roundup of visual art exhibitions in Norwich and Norfolk.